Ex-Macedon Police Chief Denies 2 DWI Charges – Wayne County Times

On the evening of Wednesday, 2/7, Fabian Rivera, ex-police chief of Macedon, pled not guilty to two separate charges of driving while intoxicated (DWI) in the Walworth Town Court.

On November 20, 2023, Rivera allegedly caused an accident by crashing a Macedon police vehicle into another car at the intersection of Gananda Parkway and Waterford Road in Macedon, nearby a Gananda school. He faces two charges, one from Macedon Police and another later from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office following Rivera being transported home by Macedon Police Sergeant Brigette Goodfriend.

The stop by deputies revealed that Rivera had a BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) of 0.25%.

Rivera tendered his resignation the day after his arrest, and his driving privileges were suspended for a month.

Due to her alleged actions during the incident, Sergeant Goodfriend was put on paid suspension pending the conclusion of a probe by the Macedon Town Board.

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