South Carolina DUI Records Search

Are you in South Carolina and need to search for DUI records? Understanding the legal limit, DUI offenses, penalties, and how to clear your DUI record is essential. In this article, we will provide you with the necessary information on conducting a DUI records search in South Carolina.

South Carolina has specific laws when it comes to DUI offenses and the legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC). While most states have a legal limit of .08, South Carolina has a first tier of severity at .10. DUI charges in South Carolina are categorized based on the BAC range, with the second tier being .10 to .15 and the third tier being above .15. Whether it’s your first offense or a repeat offense, understanding the penalties is crucial.

In 2017 and 2018, South Carolina experienced DUI fatalities, and there were also underage DUI offenders. It’s important to be aware of these statistics and the potential consequences that come with DUI offenses, especially for those under 21 years old.

Clearing a DUI record in South Carolina is challenging, as even a misdemeanor charge can have long-lasting effects on your future opportunities. However, knowing the options available to you can help guide your path forward.

When conducting a DUI records search in South Carolina, it’s essential to understand where you can access this information. The availability of a DUI search varies by county. We will provide more details on the availability of DUI records searches in different counties throughout South Carolina.

Key Takeaways:

  • South Carolina has a legal limit for DUI offenses at .10 BAC.
  • DUI charges are categorized based on the BAC range.
  • Penalties for DUI offenses in South Carolina vary based on the severity and number of offenses.
  • DUI fatalities and underage DUI offenders have been reported in South Carolina.
  • Clearing a DUI record in South Carolina can be challenging and may impact future opportunities.
  • DUI records search availability varies by county in South Carolina.

South Carolina DUI Penalties and Offenses

In South Carolina, the penalties for a DUI offense vary based on the severity and number of offenses. The consequences for a first offense with a BAC under .10 include a fine, minimum jail time or public service, and a 6-month license suspension. For a second offense, the fines are higher, jail time is longer, and there is a possibility of imprisonment. The penalties for a third offense are even more severe, with increased fines and longer imprisonment. A fourth offense is considered a felony DUI and can result in significant fines, imprisonment, and potential loss of driving privileges for an extended period. Additionally, after a South Carolina DUI conviction, individuals are required to obtain SR-22 insurance for license renewal.

Offense Fines Imprisonment License Suspension
First Offense DUI Fine Minimum jail time or public service 6-month suspension
Second Offense DUI Higher fines Longer jail time Possibility of imprisonment
Third Offense DUI Increased fines Longer imprisonment
Fourth Offense DUI Felony charge fines Imprisonment Potential loss of driving privileges

South Carolina DUI Records Search Availability

When it comes to searching for DUI records in South Carolina, you’ll find that it’s a straightforward process. The search is available in all counties within the state, ensuring that you can access the information you need no matter where you are located.

To conduct a DUI records check, you can use the SLED CATCH system. This name-based search allows you to retrieve criminal records information specifically from South Carolina. To obtain accurate results, it is important to provide the exact match for the last name, first initial, and date of birth of the individual you are searching for. Please note that if the name and date of birth differ from your search criteria, the results may not be what you expect.

While the name-based search is commonly used, it is important to know that fingerprint-based searches are more reliable. However, these searches are conducted only when required by statute. So, in most cases, the name-based search should be sufficient for your needs.

Keep in mind that there is a non-refundable fee associated with conducting a South Carolina criminal records check. You can conveniently make your payment online or through mail-in requests. It is worth noting that the fees vary depending on the organization requesting the check. For example, charitable organizations and prospective teachers may be eligible for reduced fees. It is important to handle the obtained criminal records information carefully and use it for appropriate purposes.