Yankton County DUI Court Graduation Celebrates Drug Recovery Success

The Yankton County Drug & DUI Court in South Dakota will host a graduation ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on January 10, 2024, at the Yankton County Courthouse and Safety Center. This event will honor the accomplishments of the court’s participants.

The ceremony’s main speaker is Todd Brandt, who is currently the director of campus safety at Mount Marty University. Brandt has nearly three decades of experience in law enforcement and has emerged from the ranks, starting with his tenure at the Yankton Police Department in 1994, and eventually becoming the police commander. He was instrumental in setting up the Yankton County Drug Court in 2013 and was a key member of the team until he retired from the police force in 2022.

This graduation event is a great recognition of the commitment of the Yankton County Drug & DUI Court team in tackling drug abuse issues. The ceremony welcomes the general public, including relatives and friends of the graduates, as well as local press. The event will conclude with a reception in Courtroom A.

The Yankton County Drug & DUI Court is a treatment program administered by the court, giving people a less expensive alternative to conventional criminal justice options. Established in 2013, the court broadened its services in 2019 by introducing a DUI program. It assists Yankton County residents dealing with substance abuse and/or DUI problems.

Yankton’s Problem-Solving Courts have demonstrated their efficiency by addressing substance abuse and mental health issues while lowering the rate of repeated criminal acts and conserving taxpayers’ money. This approach incorporates intensive supervision, complete treatment, and supportive services to guide people to recovery and stability.

For more information on Problem-Solving Courts and their impact, please visit the website provided.

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