Jan 29, 2024: DWI & Seat Belt Checkpoints in Lafourche Parish

Sheriff Craig Webre stated that the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office will be executing a seat belt and a DWI checkpoint on Monday, January 29, 2024, in Lafourche Parish. These checkpoints are intended to raise awareness about these traffic violations and enhance road safety.

The seat belt checkpoint will take place on Monday night, where the focus will be on inspecting seat belts and child safety seat adherence. Following this, the DWI checkpoint will start and will extend towards the early hours of Tuesday, January 30, 2024. At the DWI checkpoint, deputies will be on alert for potentially impaired drivers as well as other traffic safety concerns.

Sheriff Webre urges citizens to appoint a designated driver if they intend to drink. Those suspected of DWI who decline a breathalyzer test will face a one-year driver’s license suspension for the first offense. A second offense results in a two-year penalty. Anyone found guilty of a DWI while their license is suspended from a previous DWI will automatically receive a prison sentence. As Lafourche Parish is a “No Refusal” parish, if a suspected drunk driver declines a breathalyzer test, deputies can obtain a search warrant to conduct a blood test on the individual.

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