DUI Causes Lexus-BMW collision in Boca Raton

Police report that a woman declared herself intoxicated to officers and expressed her intent to return home, proceeded to speak about a recently deceased officer, and then instructed a smart home device to disable a police camera. The suspect, identified as Josephine Hewitt, allegedly backed her Lexus SUV into a stationary BMW SUV in a parking lot nearby a local restaurant. According to eyewitnesses and the investigating officers, Hewitt appeared inebriated. The suspect declined to partake in a field sobriety test and was quoted as saying she was “drunk” and going home. She was also reported to make inappropriate remarks towards officers and attempted to instruct a smart home device, “Alexa”, to switch off the police camera. Hewitt was taken into custody in Palm Beach County Jail but was subsequently released on her own recognizance. As she refused to undergo a DUI test, her driving license was automatically suspended pending a court date.

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