MN Rep. Brion Curran Sentenced for DWI Guilty Plea

In Minneapolis, Minnesota State Representative Brion Curran (DFL-Vadnais Heights) has received a jail sentence of two days, with a further 88 days suspended, after admitting to a drunk driving charge from October last year. Curran accepted a plea bargain for her fourth-degree DWI charge, leading to the dismissal of other charges. She was found to have more than double the legal limit of alcohol in her system at the time she was stopped by the police.

Part of her guilty plea entailed a promise to serve her time in Chisago County Jail, pay a hefty fine, complete all necessary assessments, attend a MADD victim impact panel, and obey the law. Her sentence includes 88 days suspended jail time, up for consideration over the next two years as part of her monitored probation period.

The incident occurred along Interstate 35 near Harris, Minnesota in the early hours of October 9, 2023. The authorities had been alerted to a vehicle that had strayed off-road. When officers reached the scene, they found Curran slowly driving on the shoulder of the highway, her car’s hazard lights switched on and a flat tire on the driver’s side.

Upon stopping the vehicle, an officer noticed damage to one corner of the car, and observed Curran’s bloodshot and watery eyes, and a noticeable alcohol smell. Curran admitted to having three drinks and a field sobriety test conducted at Chisago County Jail later confirmed a blood-alcohol level of .16.

Curran took responsibility for her actions in a public statement: “I am sincerely thankful that nobody got hurt and I express regret for my actions,” she said. “I appreciate the efforts of the Chisago County Sheriff’s Office for ensuring safety. I understand that rebuilding broken trust is a difficult task. Since last October, acknowledging the gravity of my actions, I have been attending courses to understand the perils of drunk driving. With my guilty plea, I fully accept responsibility.”

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